L.A. Buzz Bands Show, tonight at 9 on KCSN


KCSN2014NEW-500Before I type away eagerly about tonight’s L.A. Buzz Bands Show, I’d like to thank those who contributed to the KCSN Spring Pledge Drive this past week and supported this show and the other great offerings on 88.5 FM. [If you didn’t donate, you still can by clicking here — there’s some great swag still available.] Because KCSN met its pledge goal, we were able to end the fund-raising drive early, so it’ll be more music and less chatter when I hit the airwaves at 9 p.m. for the Mother’s Day edition of the L.A. Buzz Bands Show. With a busy concert week ahead, I’ll have music from several L.A. bands playing shows around town, including Fool’s Gold, Lord Huron, Dead Sara, the Bird and the Bee, Northern American and Magic Bronson. Plus, I will have new music from Parade of Lights, Strange Babes, the Pretty Flowers, Huxlee, Corsica Arts Club and Cayucas. So set your dial to 88.5 FM (or stream the show at KCSN.org) at 9 p.m. Below, tonight’s playlist, subject to last-minute tweaks:

Lord Huron, “Until the Night Turns”
Fool’s Gold, “Lady of the Lake”
Strange Babes, “Visions”
The Moth & the Flame, “Young & Unafraid”
The Pretty Flowers, “My Alchemist”
Riothorse Royale, “Get Out of My House”
The Bird and the Bee, “Will You Dance?”
Cayucas, “Moony Eyed Walrus”
Huxlee, “22”
Dead Sara, “Mr. Mr.”
Wake Up Lucid, “White Collar Love”
Magic Bronson, “Let Us Grow”
Parade of Lights, “Feeling Electric”
Corsica Arts Club, “Don’t You Drift On By”
Northern American, “Elysian”

… thanks for listening …