Ears Wide Open: Ofelia K
Kevin Bronson on
The debut single from Ofelia K is not going to blow you away, unless you’re likely to be toppled by a warm, gentle breeze. But in a world of pop belters, chirpy yelpers and digitally modulated histrionics, that’s what makes “White T-Shirt” so engaging, with the L.A.-based artist’s vocals measured and earnest as she beckons “Come closer.” The song is the first from a four-song EP (due Aug. 25) that was produced in part by Ofelia K’s collaborator in her previous persona Wanderhouse, Dr. Rosen Rosen. Ben Cassorla and Mighty Mike also contribute production for the singer-songwriter who also had a moment in late 2013 when she teamed up with producer Felix Cartal on the dance track “New Scene.” Here, though, less is more. Enjoy the breeze.
||| Stream: “White T-Shirt”
[…] Previously: “Gone,” “White T-Shirt,” “Hawk Fly Tiger […]