Stream: Wages, ‘L’oeil’ (full EP)
Kevin Bronson on
Wages’ cinematic art-rock began as a collaboration between East Coasters Nick Campbell and James DeDakis and, after establishing L.A. as a home base, grew to include bassist Dustin Robles. After releasing the at-moments-devastating EP “Shady Chamber” in 2013, the band set to work on a full-length, only to shelve it in favor of some “new stuff that we ended up recording in Oakland in a sort of creative spasm,” Campbell says. “L’oeil” is the first of three EPs the trio plans to release this year, a stylistically sprawling 21 minutes that at its most obvious recalls the likes of Radiohead or Arcade Fire. Come for the vaguely Floydian “Uncomfortable Sex,” stay for the relentless bass line in “Holding.” Wages has also staged “sound art” installations around L.A.; we can’t wait to see what they have in store for this one. Good for a road trip, good for a head trip.
||| Stream: “L’oeil” in full:
||| Previously: “Unity,” “Pull Through”
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