Stream: Coromandelles, ‘New Ordain’
Kevin Bronson on

Coromandelles’ debut album “Late Bloomers’ Bloomers” came out last week, and it’s a noisy, off-the-wall little beast. The side project of singer-guitarist Daniel Michicoff (Tijuana Panthers), bassist Matt Maust (Cold War Kids) and drummer Joe Plummer (Cold War Kids/The Shins), Coromandelles probably had more fun making the album than you’ll have listening to it, unless you are of the most adventurous spirit (and possibly you are). You want message? Find a translator, about half the lyrics are in French. You want oblique post-punk references? Chuckle along with “New Ordain.” You want post-adolescent anxiety? Check out “Late Bloomers.” You want dread-filled dreams? Fall into “Le Reve’s” reverie. You want that beach-y nostalgia? Drown in “Bumble Bee’s” reverb. You want a mixed bag? Here, in one album (and in French), is your bricolage. The album is out on vinyl via Long Beach’s Porch Party Records and on cassette via Burger.
||| Stream: “New Ordain,” or, below, the full album:
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