Ears Wide Open: Silver Snakes
Kevin Bronson on

L.A. quartet Silver Snakes spread their menacing wings on “Saboteur,” the band’s third album and first for Evil Ink Records, the label founded by Coheed & Cambria’s Claudio Sanchez. Silver Snakes’ post-hardcore pugilism morphs into foreboding industrial soundscapes and back again, occasionally letting melodic rays of sunshine break through the darkness. Singer Alex Estrada blares convincingly on themes of sabotage, deception, loss and fear, while mates Mike Trujillo (bass), Jeremiah Bignell (guitar) and Garrett Harney (drums) do some heavy lifting. They sprawl out impressively on the album’s two closing tracks, “Dresden” and “The Loss” — each more than 8 1/2 minutes — and if losing yourself in the complexities of heavy music is your thing, you will find catharsis here.
||| Stream: “Glass” and “Raindance”
||| Also: Watch director Julio Torres’ video for “Red Wolf”
||| Live: Silver Snakes continue their residency the next two Mondays at the Silverlake Lounge. They play the Palladium on March 22, opening for Coheed & Cambria, Glassjaw and I The Mighty.
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