Photos: Car Seat Headrest at First Fridays at the Natural History Museum

Car Seat Headrest at First Fridays at the Natural History Museum (Photo by Carl Pocket)
Car Seat Headrest at First Fridays at the Natural History Museum (Photo by Carl Pocket)

The smart, somewhat off-kilter indie-rock of Car Seat Headrest — the nom de tune of songwriter Will Toledo — seemed a perfect fit for a night at a museum. Toledo and his quartet headlined First Fridays at the Natural History Museum, performing songs from “Teens in Style” (a recently compilation of older tunes released by his new label, Matador, as a preface to a new 2016 release) and more. Night Beats opened the night, the third in the museum’s 2016 series.

That series continues May 6 with three musical acts — Escondido, Korey Dane and Paul Bergmann — along with the museum’s regular educational fare, which in May will get you up to speed on your herpetology.

Photos by Carl Pocket, courtesy of Spaceland Presents