Video: Eagle Rock Gospel Singers, ‘Heavenly Fire’
Kevin Bronson on

Desert spirits — and perhaps some spirits from beyond — inhabit the new video for “Heavenly Fire,” the title track from L.A. ensemble the Eagle Rock Gospel Singers’ 2015 album. Featuring some band members, some “desert spirits” and actress Loryn Ruiz-Mendoza, the video is the work of the versatile Matt Wignall, the photographer/
filmmaker/audio producer who produced the album. “I wrote ‘Heavenly Fire’ to honor my grandparents,” ERGS co-founder Will Wadsworth says. “I wanted to tell what I believe to be a sort of pseudo-cinematic adaptation of their life story. It’s more or less a celebration of the lives that they lived and a prayer for them.” Whether they were watching over the video shoot in Joshua Tree is anybody’s guess, but stranger things have happened in high desert. Either way, the group’s sublime harmonies and open-hearted music have given gospel folk a sweet taste for the new millenium.
||| Watch: The video for “Heavenly Fire”
||| Live: Eagle Rock Gospel Singers perform May 15 at the Bootleg Theater along with Cross Record. Tickets.
||| Previously: August 2015 interview, “Little Light,” “What Paul Did”
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