Stream: Megafauna, ‘Desire’
Daiana Feuer on
Austin trio Megafauna has always been a little bit metal and a little bit psych, and now it seems they’ve traveled back in time, traversing proto-metal sounds on their fourth album, “Welcome Home,” coming May 27. The new record was produced by Curtis Roush of The Bright Light Social Hour and mixed by Erik Wofford (Bill Callahan, The Black Angels). As evidenced on “Desire,” it’s the kind of feel-(dark)good rocking riffs that drive people to bite heads off bats. Dani Neff’s vocals conjure bad dreams—not in a way to scare us, but to inhabit us like sweet witchery. Neff says the song came from deep self exploration, searching for a version of herself “located beneath the surface of reality.” She says, “I couldn’t sleep and every time I closed my eyes I saw a seemingly infinite string of disturbing faces, each expanding out from the last.” She sat down with her guitar and the song came quick, time shifts, key changes, and all. “It felt like channeling a gift from another dimension.” Spooky.
||| Stream: “Desire”
||| Live: Megafauna perform May 6 at The Mint.
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