Stream: Gaven Turek, ‘On the Line’
Kevin Bronson on

Gavin Turek’s unapologetic embrace of disco-R&B comes with big hair, big dance moves and bigger smiles. In the past couple of the years, Turek has split her time between collaborations (including “You’re Invited,” last August’s album with TOKiMONSTA, with whom she guest at Coachella) and working on solo material like last year’s catchy nuggets “Don’t Fight It” and “Frontline.” Her new single “On the Line” arrived today via Hit City USA, a propulsive slice of retro-pop that was produced by Chris Hartz, the Passion Pit drummer. It’s a simple self-affirmation really; even though “the stakes are getting mighty high,” Turek doesn’t “wanna change at all” and just be who she is. If you’re looking for brooding or bad-girl disco, this ain’t for you; Turek is all about feel-good.
||| Stream: “On the Line”
||| Live: Gavin Turek is doing the free Monday residency this month at the Bootleg Theater.
||| Previously: 2015 interview; “Don’t Fight It;” “Pride”
She is one Awesome Entertainer… not miss out on this Fabulous Ms. Gavin Turek..!!!