Video: Bjorn and the Sun, ‘Blue’

Bjorn And The Sun

In 2011, Amanda Bjorn and David Donaldson fell in love. About a year ago they started writing songs together and, as folk-pop love stories go, Bjorn and the Sun drove from Los Angeles to Nashville, documenting their adventure through music, and recorded their “Young And Restless” EP on tape at the Bomb Shelter with Andrija Tokic. “These stories are soaked in love, confusion, expectation, adventure, optimism and freedom. They are a reflection of this particular brief slice of life that we lived, that our friends and family lived, and that we can always come back to through the words and notes of these songs,” says Bjorn. The song “Blue” reflects on one of those tougher moments that the couple pulled through. Bjorn continues, “Blue’ is definitely the moodiest song on the EP. It’s the pause, the love ballad, the moment where you both turn to each other and are like, ‘I can’t believe we actually did this … but I’m so glad we did.’” For the video, they packed up their VW Bug once again, and took a road trip to San Francisco along the Pacific Coast Highway, capturing California’s pretty coastline on Donaldson’s old Super 8 camera, almost running out of gas a few times, dancing through sunsets, eating roadside farm stand strawberries, and probably sweating a lot. That’s romance.

||| Watch: “Blue”

||| Live: Bjorn and the Sun perform July 18 at Bootleg Theater.