Stream: Elle Belle, ‘Knock on the Light’
Kevin Bronson on

Singer, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Christopher Pappas — now manning the controls at Elle Belle — has elevated his game since putting previous projects the Everyday Visuals and Miracle Parade in his rear-view mirror. He’s plotting the release of an ambitious, 23-song album “Wako Gumbo” (he’s changed the title since unveiling the first song last fall) that one suspects might be true to its name. From the three songs Elle Belle has teased so far, the album certainly could be a big bowl of genre gumbo; Pappas seems to be going undaunted wherever his ideas take him. And behind Elle Belle’s face paint and theatrics there lies a call to arms in the new single “Knock on the Light.” “Free yourself / knock on the light” he and backup vocalist Misty Boyce (who plays keyboards for BØRNS) sing over a synth-spiked groove, a cry against settling for the workaday life. The new single follows “Rain in London,” a rhythmically colossal blast featuring Holly Laessig and Jess Wolfe of Lucius. Casey Curry’s video for the latter is a little bit wacko, too, but it’s all a part of the gumbo. Elle Belle’s album is out Nov. 11.
||| Stream: “Knock on the Light” and “Rain in London” (feat. Lucius)
||| Also: Watch director Casey Curry’s video for “Rain in London”
||| Previously: “Failed Dreamz”
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