Stream: La Sera, ‘Queens’
Daiana Feuer on

Hot on the heels of La Sera‘s March-released album, “Music For Listening To Music To” (and Katy Goodman’s covers album with Springtime Carnivore’s Greta Morgan), she and husband-mate Todd Wisenbaker have a new EP coming out through Polyvinyl this Sept. 30 called “Queens.” They share vocals on the title track, a bouncy, fun, rocking song about Wisenbaker taking a stroll at dusk in East Hollywood and spilling coffee on himself. Goodman says it “stands for being an important, passionate, loving person in your own life, every day.”
||| Stream: “Queens”
||| Live: La Sera performs Nov. 5 at Bootleg Theater
Really catchy, I love it. I can’t wait until Nov. 5 at the Bootleg.