Buzz Bands LA 8-year anniversary show … and Kevin Bronson’s Birthday Bash!
Buzz on

It’s hard to believe your friendly neighborhood blog has been around for 8 years. We guess it’s true when they say “Time flies when you’re having fun.”
After rebooting the blog in 2008 after his L.A. Times days, Kevin Bronson has been out every night covering the freshest, spanking new bands that are popping out of the City of Angels. He’s covered nearly all SoCal festivals that’s popped up in every neighborhood throughout these 8 years. The amount of time he’s spent at a keyboard typing up a show review, an Ears Wide Open post, a lineup for a Buzz Bands-curated show or a track list to either of his radio shows probably adds up to more than most of us have slept in the last few years.
So we’re throwing the hard-working guy a party! We’ll be celebrating the anniversary of Buzz Bands LA and Bronson’s 60th birthday on Tuesday, Oct. 11th at the Hi Hat with a FREE show. The lineup features Blondfire, Io Echo, special guests and more!
RSVP here: Kevin Bronson’s Birthday & BBLA 8-Year Anniversary Party
More details coming soon. Hope you all can make it!
Awww hell. I wanna play.