Ears Wide Open: Tolman

Tolman (Photo by Ed Dasso)
Tolman (Photo by Ed Dasso)

Husband-and-wife Andrew and Brittany Tolman are familiar faces on the L.A. scene: Both at one time played with radio giants Imagine Dragons, and since then Andrew has been drummer for L.A. alt-rockers The Moth & the Flame while Brittany has lent her talents to projects such as Mount Saint. As with many a musical couple, the Tolmans have married their gifts, unsurprisingly under the name Tolman. The duo’s first single “Chaperone,” produced by D. Wayne Sermon of Imagine Dragons, fits perfectly in a world teeming with indie-pop duos. Over layers of vintage synths and dancefloor beats, Brittany lets loose about a chaperone — more specifically, not needing one. The song, she says, “is about being independent and recognizing your own worth, even when somebody else can’t. One afternoon, we had an intense conference call and I stuck up for myself and it felt really empowering. We were both fired up and needed a way to express our frustration so we immediately went to our Moog synthesizer and wrote the song’s bass line and chorus vocals. It was very cathartic.”

||| Stream: “Chaperone”