Tonight in L.A.: Nick Waterhouse, Dead Sara, Badflower, ExSage, Wyatt Blair, Naomi, Yasiin Bey, the Station Breaks, Tolliver, Mordecai, the Shakes

Nick Waterhouse
Nick Waterhouse

Los Angeles concerts for Monday:

Nick Waterhouse, who earlier this year released his third album “Never Twice,” headlines the Regent Theater, joined by SadGirl and Cutty Flam.
► It’s Dead Sara at Harvard & Stone, along with Grandpa vs Prowler.
Badflower rocks It’s a School Night at Bardot, joined by the Marias, Kyle McNeill and Andishey at Bardot
Wyatt Blair visits the Hi Hat, with Ablebody and Cigarette Bums supporting.
► And two Monday night residencies wrap up their runs prior to the holiday: ExSage at the Bootleg Theater (where VUM, Adrian and Old Testament) support; and [Naomi] at the Satellite (with Davy Nathan and Kathryn Gallagher)


The Station Breaks at the Troubadour
Tolliver, Goosehappen, Cubits and Danke at the Echoplex
Mordecai, Le Chauteau, Brombones and Jacobb Alexander at the Silverlake Lounge
Blair Sinta at the Redwood Bar
Nikki Leathers at La Cita
Be Steadwell, Culled Cub and Kitty Brucknell at the Mint
Rumproller Organ Trio at the Sassafras Saloon
The Shakes at the Wayfarer
Yasiin Bey at the Observatory
Andie Case at the Constellation Room
Open Mic at the Lexington Bar
Open Mic at El Cid