Desert Daze 2017: Panda Bear, John Cale, Ariel Pink, Thurston Moore added to lineup
Kevin Bronson on

Panda Bear, John Cale, the Thurston Moore Group and Ariel Pink are among the notable additions to the lineup for Desert Daze, which goes off Oct. 12-15 on the 420-acre grounds of the Institute of Metalphysics in Joshua Tree.
They join an already-announced roster including Spiritualized, Eagles of Death Metal, Courtney Barnett, Kurt Vile, Hope Sandoval & The Warm Inventions and Unknown Mortal Orchestra.
Liars, Tortoise, Emily Haines & the Soft Skeleton and the Budos Band have also been added. The festival’s strong L.A. band contingent includes the likes Allah-Las, Froth, Deap Vally, L.A. Witch, Death Valley Girls, Fever the Ghost, Winter, Triptides and more.
Weekend passes are $229 (for GA) to $450 (for VIP) and available here.
Camping is available separately here.
The updated poster below:
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