Tonight in L.A.: Joseph Arthur, Ex-Cult, War Tapes, Itasca, Civil Engineering, Mini Bear, AJ, Emo Nite


Los Angeles concerts for Tuesday:

Joseph Arthur does a special intimate performance at the Hotel Café on a night that also features Bruce Sudano and Edward Rogers.
► Memphis punk-rockers Ex-Cult stir things up at the Hi Hat, with Enemy and Form Rank opening.
► It’s a night of sublime singer-songwriters at Resident, with Itasca, Scott Hirsch, Lauren Barth and Dylan Golden Aycock at Resident
► And War Tapes and Coastal Clouds team up for a free show at the Satellite joined by Paraguay’s EEEKS.


Emo Nite, with IDK How But They Found Me, Sunsleep, the Gutter Daisies and Point North, at the Echo and Echoplex
Civil Engineering and Danke at the Bootleg Theater
AJ and Saving Forever at the Roxy
Mini Bear, Kelleia, Ralpha and Illa at Union Nightclub – Jewel’s Room
The Bluegrass Situation, Kelsey Waldon, Olivia O’Brien, LAE and Cosmos & Creature at the Hotel Café Second Stage
Andre Henry, Philip Lassiter, FatsO, Sean Renner and Atlantis at the Mint
The No. 44 at Three Clubs
Sazerac Steppers Brass Band at the Sassafras Saloon
FOFOFADI at Sound Nightclub
International Pop Overthrow, with the Yellin’ Bells (feat. Peter Lewis of Moby Grape and his daughter Arwen Lewis), the Tearaways and more, at Molly Malone’s
Rob Magill, In the Womb and Happy House at Ham & Eggs Tavern
Daudyflin and Xylitol at 5 Star Bar
Chelsea Williams at the Escondite
Open Mic with Mathew James at the Lost Knight
Josh & Kira at Saint Rocke
Errol Bonnick at the Wayfarer
Curren$y at the Observatory
A-Wa at the Constellation Room