Allah-Las: ‘We’re grateful everybody is safe’ after Rotterdam scare
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In the aftermath of the cancellation of their concert Wednesday night in Rotterdam, Netherlands, because of a suspected terrorist plot, Los Angeles quartet Allah-Las say they have been told “that there is no credible future threat to the venue or the band” and that they will reschedule the show.
The concert was scotched and the venue evacuated after police discovered a van carrying a load of gas canisters nearby.
The band today issued the following statement:
“In response to an alleged terror threat at The Maassilo in Rotterdam, Netherlands, our show yesterday was cancelled. The investigation is ongoing and full details are not yet available. However, the Dutch authorities have informed us that there is no credible future threat to the venue or the band. More than anything, we want to thank the law enforcement personnel and our fans of Rotterdam — we’re grateful everybody is safe.
We are looking for a new date to reschedule the performance and will provide updates on that as we can. For now, the organizers will ensure all ticket buyers receive a refund as quickly as possible.
The band, as always, supports, peaceful non-violent protest in the pursuit of social and economic justice.”
Allah-Las are back in L.A. on Oct. 21 for a show at the Regent Theater.
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