Stream: Veronica Bianqui, ‘Victim’
Daiana Feuer on

In honor of her sister, Marlene, who passed away recently after years suffering from drug addiction, garage-pop artist Veronica Bianqui dusted off a song she felt took on new meaning during her time of grief. She says, “I wrote this song when I started discovering how being emotionally co-dependent has negatively affected my life by creating a pattern of self-victimization. Now, to me, it represents the hope for addicts to escape from their cycle of addiction. I hope it serves as inspiration for addicts and their loved ones around the world that you can put your foot down and change—that you don’t have to be a victim, like my sister — and so many millions of others — unfortunately have been.” All proceeds from sales of “Victim” will be donated to the Harm Reduction Coalition in honor of her sister.
Bianqui is prepping her first full-length album, recorded with Mark Rains, for release in 2018.
||| Stream: “Victim”
[…] in 2017, you released the song “Victim,” which also spoke to some personal […]