Ears Wide Open: Loyal Lobos
Kevin Bronson on

Loyal Lobos is the moniker for the music of Andrea Silva, a native of the capital city of Bogotá, Colombia, who first came to the U.S. to attend music school. A broken (or maybe just bruised) heart later, she’s in Los Angeles penning wistful folk-pop tunes about falling and picking herself back up again. Her two latest singles, “Dirt” and “The Fall,” possess the sprightly vibe of artists such as the Sundays and 10,000 Maniacs — confessionals from a woman who’s well aware that romantic wrong turns can lead to, as she says, “tears, Oreo addictions, questionable hookups and impulsive bangs.” And “Dirt,” about a time the singer-songwriter “was drunk and looking to be found,” falls in the latter two categories. “Chemicals [fool] you and your instincts, and for the moment it seems real and special, but then it isn’t, but you can’t help but surrender sometimes,” she says. “Dirt is about an apocalyptic hookup.” Moment of weakness, meet song.
||| Stream: “Dirt” and “The Fall”
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