Stream: Clara-Nova, ‘Echo’
Kevin Bronson on

“Don’t forget who you are,” Sydney Wayser sings in “Echo,” her new single as Clara-Nova. Over swooping synths and distinctive production, she’s meting out good advice to someone — in this case, probably, herself. “‘Echo’ is about our past histories and ghosts that float around each other,” she tells Untitled magazine, where the song premiered Friday. In her case, there is a lot of history; the first Clara-Nova EP, “The Bronze Age,” came out in 2015 before a business kerfuffle with her record label set her back. She has retooled, working with Grammy-winning producer Shawn Everett on a follow-up, “The Iron Age” (a title, she says, that speaks to “perseverance and strength”). The EP is out March 2.
The songwriter, reared between Paris and Los Angeles, also has been on a photography installation for her debut as a visual artist, a project titled “IRON // GOLD.” This installation will be accompanied by images from some of Wayser’s favorite L.A.-based photographers. It is scheduled to open as part of a multi-media show in the late summer.
||| Stream: “Echo”
||| Live: Clara-Nova performs March 4 at the Moroccan Lounge, along with the Mynabirds and Rainstorm Brother. Tickets.
||| Previously: “The Illusionist”
[…] ||| Previously: “Echo” […]