Premiere: Kid Cadaver, ‘Sleep Touching’

Kid Cadaver
Kid Cadaver

For a stretch of about four years, San Fernando Valley-bred indie outfit Kid Cadaver seemed to be everywhere — the unfailingly catchy songs from their two EPs on all the local radio shows and the band gigging all over Southern California. Then, about a year and a half ago, poof. The trio’s singer-songwriter, Ray Venta, had an attack of doubt/self-loathing and put Kid Cadaver on the back burner to pursue other exploits.

The time away, he says now, gave him some perspective, and it has led to new Kid Cadaver music. The single “Sleep Touching,” out Friday, tenderly and tunefully lays bare a trail of dashed hopes over a romance that seemed oh-so-close to the real thing. It’s a pop song that finds Kid Cadaver at their most wistful and wounded.

“I wasn’t sure we would ever release more music as Kid Cadaver until I wrote ‘Sleep Touching,’” Venta says. “It led to more songs and I finally felt like I had found the spirit of what I was looking for with Kid Cadaver in the first place. The writing has been free of the expectation I put on myself with the previous releases and this feels like a much more honest version of Kid Cadaver, which is something I can see myself exploring for a long time.”

The song is the first from an EP (release details to be announced) that Venta calls “a first-person memory book of me crossing the country chasing a romance and having no idea if this romance was a fleeting moment or something real. ‘Sleep Touching’ is the introduction to that story. It was written before the trip and paints the hesitation I had before taking a huge chance and putting myself out on a limb more than I ever have.”

||| Stream: “Sleep Touching”

||| Live: Kid Cadaver plays the Hi Hat on Saturday night, along with Groves, Wee Beasties and Jubilo Drive. Tickets.

||| Previously: “Personal Addict” “Keep Well,” “New Friends”