Video: Sure Sure, ‘Hands Up Head Down’
Kevin Bronson on

Can’t we all just have some fun for about four minutes? You know, the kind that glues an “awwww” smile to your mug until the next time you check the world news? Consider, then, the video for Sure Sure’s stone-cold hit “Hands Up Head Down,” which was one of our favorite singles of 2017 for a reason. Besides its obvious merits as an oh-so-catchy pop ditty with a falsetto we only try in the shower when even the dog is out of earshot, it’s the rare single these days that inspires a dance move. You know, “put your hands up / keep your head down.” The L.A. quartet solicited the fans’ submissions for the video, and here they are, spliced in with live footage, putting their hands up and keeping heads down (with varying degrees of aplomb). Go ahead, try it. Or just smile.
The song appears on the quartet’s debut full-length, “Sure Sure,” which came out in January.
||| Watch: The video for “Hands Up Dead Down”
||| Live: Sure Sure plays the Lodge Room on Nov. 10, along with Wilderado. Tickets.
||| Previously: Live at the Teragram Ballroom, “Hands Up Head Down,” “Friends”
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