Video: Livingmore, ‘Sleepy Boy’
Kevin Bronson on

There’s a modicum of safety in being oblivious — the more aware you are, after all, the more worries you have.
That’s the concept behind Livingmore’s new single “Sleepy Boy,” which finds the L.A. quartet doing a rapturous slow burn through the benefits of getting out of your bubble to truly find out “who you want to be.” The song is the first single of 2019 from the band, which started around the duo of Alex Moore and Spencer Livingston and grew to include Rodrigo Moreno and Mike Schadel. Livingmore released their debut full-length “OK to Land” last year, along with a handful of singles.
The video for “Sleepy Boy” was directed by Dillon Moore, Alex’s brother, and it draws parallels between the sheltered lives of growing up in the suburbs and being in a band. It stars Atticus Nations, Edison Martin, Kellen Joseph Quinn and Violet Wall, as well as the band.
“All of us pictured kids in a suburban bubble-type of area where they’re sort of enclosed in a world of just them,” Alex Moore told Yay! LA, where the video premiered. “They’re figuring out who they are and putting all of their trust into one another. You can also compare that experience with being in a band, and in the video we are on the same road as the teenagers, crossing paths.”
||| Watch: The video for “Sleepy Boy”
||| Also: Stream the song here
||| Live: Livingmore plays the Hi Hat on July 17, along with North by North, Young Creatures and TANGIENTS. Tickets.
||| Previously: “Gone Too Fast,” live at Chinatown Summer Nights, “Really Mean It”
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