Stream: Annabelle Maginnis, ‘Make It Last’

Annabelle Maginnis (Photo by Fanny Chu)

Annabelle Maginnis spins soulful magic in their latest single “Make It Last” in their attempt to capture time in a bottle. Released today, it was inspired and first written five years ago while camping under the stars on an island, begun with just them and their mandolin to capture that special time. “I was wary of returning to a city where my body would again become commodity and my value would be reduced to my productivity,” Maginnis shares. “But in that moment I felt an indescribable sense of liberation. ‘Make it Last’ is an attempt to encapsulate and share that feeling.” Back in the city, conveying the spirit of the song in recorded form was “both a challenge and a pleasure to actualize… each of its phases… continued to inform me about how we interact with our planet and with each other. Creating it has been a lesson in patience.” 

The result is a dance between the natural and concrete worlds, hiking trails vs. freeways, slowing down vs. “Hurry first / Worry last.” It’s a resistance against urban hastiness and a plea for more enduring qualities that “set your soul free.” With producer-engineer Rachel White in Echo Park, Maginnis successfully encapsulates the feeling with their fellow musicians in MetronOhm— Kofi Asare-Aboagye harmonizing and accompanying on guitar, Hunter Craig on bass, Tia P. on drums and Smile High on keys. Press play and let that inner smile last. 

||| Stream: “Make It Last”

||| Previously: “Free Debris” (EP), “Little Toes” (with CAPYAC), “Wabi Sabi (Can’t Complain),” Ears Wide Open