Photos: Joy Formidable at Teragram Ballroom
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The excitement of the Teragram Ballroom crowd was palpable for The Joy Formidable’s 10-year anniversary show — even their guitar tech got an encouraging cheer in the process of setting up for the band.
The trio was winding up its North American tour marking 10 years since their debut album “A Balloon Called Moaning.”
In between songs, the band explained how they are from North Wales and how they love coming to L.A. Midway through an excited fan kept yelling, “play ‘Whirring’,” to which singer-guitarist Ritzy Bryan replied “someone saying ‘Whirring?’ I can’t tell if it was coming from you all or in my head. Being on stage is so trippy sometimes.” Luckily, the excited fan didn’t have to wait long.
Later someone yelled out “Play until Monday!” to which Ritzy replied “I don’t know how much we would have to play for if we played until Monday. We have been a band for 10 years, but still.” The guy then explained that he had already calculated how long it would take for them to play until Monday, they would have to play their whole body of work from all 10 years, four times. Bryan then laughed, “Four times? OK, guess we are here until Monday hope you all don’t have anything better to do.” Playing a collection of all of their work, they opened with “The Greatest Light is the Greatest Shade” with nods to the fans, adding, “Austere,” “A Heavy Abacus” and “Caught On a Breeze” during the night.
Boston dream-poppers Twen opened the night, stating how excited they were to be playing the last show of the tour and the year in Los Angeles.
Photos and recap by Jessica Hanley
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