Ears Wide Open: Creature of Doom

Creature of Doom (Photo by Oliva McManus)

Singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist David Baldwin plays in the psych-rock/indie-pop quartet the Dig, who moved to L.A. from their native New York two years ago, released a pair of EPs and subsequently decided to take a break.

With the band on hiatus, Baldwin turned his attention to his solo pop project Creature of Doom, which he unveiled today. “The idea for Creature of Doom is all about not being able to get out of your own way,” he says. “It’s about being able to laugh at that and celebrate it, instead of just wallowing in it.”

Creeping along on a forbidding bass line, the darkly cinematic “Elephant in the Room” is the first single from the EP “Tears of Joy,” which comes out Feb. 21. “I always wanted this project to sound like a funk band playing in a dungeon, and to me ‘Elephant In The Room’ encapsulates that sound as much as any song on the EP,” Baldwin says. “This is a song where the lyrics came spontaneously and I tried to figure out what they meant after the fact. What exactly the elephant in the room is I imagine could be different for everyone. Could be something from your past that’s always right there in the back of your mind. Or a saboteur that lurks in your subconscious, waiting to fuck things up. I picture the end of the song as a struggle between the realization that the elephant in the room is all in your head, and the fact that it’s still there all the same, pummeling away in the background.”

Overall, Baldwin says, he envisions the EP as “something for people to put on late at night, and get pulled into the world of the record from start to finish.”

||| Stream: “Elephant in the Room”