Notes From a Pandemic: Geographer’s ambient bliss, plus streams from Neil Finn, Natalie Prass, Brainstory, Devon Allman and more
Kevin Bronson on

It’s Wednesday, so we would normally say “happy humpday,” except we haven’t really reached the hump yet. Deep sigh. We suggest spending a few gorgeous minutes with Geographer (below), then consult our list of today’s live streams.
■ Geographer has a new album on the way — more on that later, it’s scheduled for a May release — but during this lockdown Mike Deni has been randomly sharing ambient tracks. Watch Geographer’s Facebook for more, but in the meantime enjoy this three minutes of bliss. It’s good for what ails us.
■ 11AM: Dylan LeBlanc will play “Cautionary Tale” then take requests on Facebook.
■ 11AM: Lisa Loeb on YouTube.
■ 1PM: The Unlikely Candidates on Instagram.
■ 2-7PM: Alone Together, with Martin Courtney, Dent May, Shannon Lay, Jimmy Whispers, Cones, Winter, Sofia Bolt, Lou Tides, Jess Cornelius, Dustrider, Jim Fairchild, Total Heat and Very Nice Massage, on CrowdCast.
■ 3PM: Best Coast Radio, aka “Bethline,” on YouTube.
■ 3PM: Natalie Prass on Really Nice’s Instagram.
■ 3PM: Neil Finn & family on Fangradio (and archived here).
■ 3PM: Tim Burgess (the Charlatans)-organized listening party with band members from seminal British rock bands directly fielding questions from fans while listening to a specified album together. Today is Blur’s third album “Parklife” with drummer Dave Rowntree. Tune in and ask away on Twitter. “Girls & Boys” and all in between are invited.
■ 4PM: Levitt En Vivo presents Brainstory via Levitt Pavilion’s Instagram.
■ 4PM: Ben Gibbard on YouTube and Facebook.
■ 5PM: Charlie Parr on Facebook.
■ 5PM: Devon Allman on Facebook.
■ 5PM: Cancelled Fest, a three-day event starting today, with Aaron Randolph, Daniel Brouns, Illuminati Hotties, Slugs, Cartalk, Mini Trees, Cigarette Bums, Jake Tittle and more. Set times and artists for all three days are here. Stream live on YouTube.
■ 6PM: Tony Lucca on Facebook.
■ 7PM: Weyes Blood on Instagram.
With venues and bars shuttered, fundraising campaigns are underway for staff — sound engineers, bartenders, security, door people, etc. Here’s how to help:
■ A GoFundMe campaign has been started for employees of the Teragram Ballroom and the Moroccan Lounge. Donate.
■ A GoFundMe campaign has been started for employees of the Satellite. Donate.
■ A GoFundMe campaign has been started for employees of the Hi Hat. Donate.
■ The Hotel Café is soliciting donations via it tickets page, with 100% of the proceeds going to employees who are jobless because the venue is shuttered. Donate.
■ Zebulon Café has set up a GoFundMe page for its employees. Donate.
■ Gold-Diggers has launched a GoFundMe campaign for its staff. Donate.
■ The recently reopened Airliner has set up a GoFundMe page for its people. Donate.
■ The Bootleg Theater, which is operated by the nonprofit Rampart Theater Project, sent out a message to patrons thanking them for past support and noting that tax-deductible donations may still be made. Donate here.
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