Stream: Brightener, ‘Runaway’


It’s been three years since Palm Springs singer-songwriter Will Sturgeon released his last album as Brightener. That collection of bright indie-pop, “Headroom,” followed the heady experience of Brightener having been invited — five days before the festival — to play one of the early sets at Coachella 2016.

Brightener is back, synths gleaming and no less wistful, on May 20 when Sturgeon releases a new EP, “Stay Open.” This week, he unveiled the new single “Runaway,” which finds him in his happy place, making DIY, heart-on-the-sleeve indie-pop reminiscent of the Sarah Records oeuvre.

“Runaway” is about the worst kind of conflict resolution — avoiding it. True to the name, Brightener has a clean, effervescent sound; if, indeed, this is bedroom pop, it’s a room that gets very good light.

||| Stream: “Runaway”

||| Previously: “Filters II,” “When the Lights Come Up”