Video: Misty Mtn, ‘Robots in the Trees’

Misty Mtn

L.A. duo Misty Mtn are doing their darnedest to separate themselves from other seemingly mass-produced synth-pop artists coming off the assembly line faster than face masks at a 3M factory. More than ever, it’s the age of look-at-me “Instagram pop,” where a carefully cultivated image is more important than knowing how to spell the word “whoa.”

“Robots in the Trees” is the latest swing for the fences from the duo of multi-instrumentalist Lucas Segall and singer Morissa Trunzo. It’s a sleekly produced meditation on the push and pull between existing in a technology-saturated world where everybody seems to be watching vs. your own mind. The duo described it as a companion piece to their November single “Woah, I’m Older” and last spring’s EP, “Missed Your Call.”

Maybe their self-directed video will get you out of your head and into theirs.

||| Watch: The video for “Robots in the Trees”

||| Also: Stream the song here, along with “Woah, I’m Older”