Stream: Greatest Hits … This Week (Vol. 153)

Cover image by Ellen Qin via

Discover new music from Loyal Lobos, Temme Scott, Brian Whelan, VOWWS, Starflyer 59, Distant Cousins and the Happy Hollows — and get introduced to Soft Palms, Hands Are Heavy, TWO and Love Dealer — in Greatest Hits … This Week (Vol. 153). Buzz Bands LA’s weekend playlist includes all those and more, so dig in below. Find links to more info on the artists beneath the player.

Starflyer 59, “This Recliner”
Temme Scott, “Understudy”
Loyal Lobos, “Whatever It Is”
Brian Whelan, “So Long Blue”
Marchelle Bradanini, “Oscar Wilde”
Soft Palms, “Rainbows”
Heads Are Heavy, “That Sounds Okay”
Happy Hollows, “Great Unknown”
TWO, “Phoenix”
VOWWS, “Impulse Control”
Jason Hill, “They Like Me, They Love Me”
Love Dealer, “How?”
Grace Meridian, “Gonna Need a Brick”
Distant Cousins, “Here & Now” (feat. Lindsey Ray)
All Things Blue, “Chad”