Stream: The Small Calamities, ‘Violin Concerto in the Key of Crippling Regret’
Kevin Bronson on

You are distanced from the crowd, outdoors but very inside the four walls of your mind, staring at a blank page in a dog-eared journal … After a long draw on a cup of fresh coffee, the caffeine kicks in and the brain synapses start to fire and the memories start to flow and then the words tag along … There are orchestras and smiles and paper dolls and polka-dot gowns, all so palpable you just write the word “SCREAM” in capital letters. … You pause to revisit a voicemail on your phone … The memories return, and you start to imagine a treacly piano and sad strings and a melody line that will glue your scribbles into couplets … You grip your pen tighter and tighter … Some of the words sound trite, but you don’t care … Some of the words sound like they should be shouted, so you imagine horns … Some of the words sound so brittle you think other people should sing them with you … Some of the words sound like open wounds, self-inflicted … Some of the words sound emo as hell, but isn’t that the point? If it isn’t, what is?
You are Charlie Wolf and you call the song “Violin Concerto in the Key of Crippling Regret” and decide it will be on the next Small Calamities album.
||| Stream: “Violin Concerto in the Key of Crippling Regret”
||| Previously: “Designer Heartache”
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