Charlie Hickey signs to Phoebe Bridgers’ label, Saddest Factory

MUNA and Charlie Hickey (Photo by Jannick Frampton)

Songwriters Charlie Hickey and Phoebe Bridgers go back a long way: He was 13 when he covered a song by Bridgers, then in high school, and the two became friends, duet partners and collaborators, cameoing on each other’s songs.

Now, on the heels of this spring’s release of his Marshall Vore-produced EP “Count the Stairs,” Hickey, 21, has signed to Bridgers’ fledgling label, Saddest Factory. He joins another recent signee, L.A. trio MUNA. In fact, those two artists got together to make over “Seeing Things” from Hickey’s EP.

Already out digitally, Hickey’s EP will be out on vinyl on Nov. 12.

Here’s what the parties had to say about the collaboration:

“We love Charlie and are so happy we had the chance to put our little spin on ‘Seeing Things,’” MUNA says. “We met Charlie years ago after he covered our song ‘Taken.’ Katie and him connected over having a lot of the same neuroses (lol) and his writing really spoke to all of us — especially this song. We spent some time with the track and then had a fun day at Marshall’s studio recording these vocals together. We were trying to channel Postal Service energy … taking these heartbreaking lyrics and just putting a really uptempo beat behind it that you can dance to under an overpass.”

“MUNA is my favorite band,” Hickey says. “Their songs are like a best friend who you can laugh with, dance with, cry with and do everything with. Listening to them makes me feel like the world is beautiful and like I’m not alone. I’ve been a super fan since way before I had ever known them and to hear them interpret this song was one of the coolest and most surreal feelings ever. They put so much love and care into it and truly expanded on what the song means to me.”

||| Stream: “Seeing Things” (MUNA’s Version)

||| Previously: “Count the Stairs,” “No Good at Lying,”  “Waiting Games,” “Broken,” “Odds”/”Brain Dead”