Ears Wide Open: Sad Park
Kevin Bronson on

Like many in history’s army of suburban punk, emo and hardcore bands who scream and shout-sing at high emotional and sonic volume, Sad Park look like the guys hanging in the shadows at 7-Eleven waiting for a kind 21-year-old who will score them a 12-pack. Even their introductory bio says as much, admitting they “doesn’t come across as a cool band” and that they’re “young and awkward, a group of scrappy punks who look like they’re more likely to fix your computer than release one of the year’s most surprising indie albums.”
That album, “It’s All Over,” is out Sept. 24 via Lauren Records as the follow-up to 2018’s “Sleep.” The band — Graham Steele, Kyle Morton and Grant Bubar — has teased it with a handful of blistering singles.
“Stuck,” released today, is a cry of frustration about not being able to get past something or someone, and last month’s “Nothing Ever” is a panic attack set to guitar riffs, with a bass line that actually makes it all … pretty. Like emo punk bands then and now, Sad Park hits the spot and hits it hard.
||| Stream: “Stuck”
||| Also: Watch the video for “Nothing Ever”
||| Live: Sad Park opens for Tijuana Panthers at the Teragram Ballroom on Aug. 28 (tickets). They also open for Together Pangea on Oct. 23 at the Troubadour (tickets) and play Chad’s Home Fest at the Glass House (with Together Pangea, the Paranoyds and others) on Nov. 20 (tickets).
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