There’s no Echo Park Rising, but Echo Farce Rising is coming Aug. 19-21
Kevin Bronson on
Echo Park Rising — the sprawling neighborhood music, culture and commerce festival — has been absent since 2019, save for 2020’s online affair.
It will not rise in 2022, either, but something called Echo Farce Rising will. Harking to the days of Spaceland Presents’ multi-stage FOMO festivals; the Echo, Echoplex and the Echo patio will host more than 70 bands for three days of free, all-ages shows, Aug. 19-21. No set times have been announced yet, but the music starts at 6 p.m. on Friday and 2 p.m. on both Saturday and Sunday.
The lineup features the likes of Cutty Flam, Bonavega, Healing Gems, Night Talks, Leroy From the North, Mackandgold, Melted Bodies, Pom Poms, Slugs, Spaceface, Strawberry Fuzz, the Abigails, Traps PS, Veronica Bianqui, Zzzahara and a slew more. In addition, there’s a Punky Reggae Party with Boss Harmony and a vendor village.
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