Video: Genevieve Artadi, ‘Visionary’
Kevin Bronson on

Musical chameleon Genevieve Artadi is such a Dr. Mario fan that, she says, “I keep my Switch in my back pocket most days.” That is what is known as a “fun fact,” and since we’ve been laid up in bed searching for anything that sounds like fun, it seemed like a good place to start.
You know what else sounds like fun? Artadi’s new solo album, “Forever Forever.” So, some cogent facts: It’s out March 17. It’s her third solo record and second for Brainfeeder. Unlike her home-cooked but ultimately wunnerful “Dizzy Strange Summer” (2020), it was made in a studio, in Mexico, with a crew including Chiquita Magic, Pedro Martins, Chris Fishman, Louis Cole (her cohort in KNOWER), Henry Halliwell and Daniel Sunshine.
The album has roots in, and we hew closely to the album announcement here, the spiritual teachings of Thích Nhất Hạnh, the Vietnamese Thiền Buddhist monk known as the “father of mindfulness,” Ram Dass (guru of modern yoga), Eckhart Tolle and Jiddu Krishnamurti. “‘Forever Forever’ is an album about the love I have for the people in my life, attempting to express with a lot of care different sides of it: reassurance, acceptance of change, ruptures, joy,” Artadi says.
Less weighty than that sounds is the video for the first single, “Visionary,” a wink at the ’80s. “It’s a celebration of love, expressing gratitude to ‘the other’ who was first to be brave enough to jump into a relationship when I had lost hope,” Artadi says.
||| Watch: The video for “Visionary”
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