Stream: Greatest Hits … This Week (Vol. 255)

Cover image by José Ignacio Pompé via

Greatest Hits … This Week (Vol. 255), Buzz Bands LA’s latest mix, has landed, with new songs from Valley Queen, the Know, Butch Bastard, Cheekface, LANNDS, Great Northern, Datamaps, Matthew Logan Vasquez, M.A.G.S., Meg Myers, Shana Cleveland, Object of Affection and bunch more. Go ahead, press play.

Valley Queen, “Cassavetes”
Datamaps, “Bury You”
Taleen Kali, “Crusher”
Object of Affection, “Half Life”
The Know, “Me”
M.A.G.S., “Elephant”
Frankie Rose, “Sixteen Ways”
Butch Bastard, “Little Black Shoes”
LANNDS, “Bonfire”
Runnner, “Runnning in Place at the Edge of the Map”
Great Northern, “Run Baby Run”
Matthew Logan Vasquez, “Over It”
Meija, “No Words”
Cheekface, “The Fringe”
Meg Myers, “Me”
JJUUJJUU, “Nowhere”
Devon Thompson, “Soft Like Water”
Shana Cleveland, “A Ghost”
Photo Ops, “You Must Not Need a Friend at All”
Jordi Up Late, “Punx” (feat. Wyatt Thunder)