L.A. Buzz Bands Show, tonight at 10 on 88.5 The SoCal Sound
S.Lo on

Tune in tonight at 10 p.m. for some fresh local music on 88.5 FM, The SoCal Sound. This week on the L.A. Buzz Bands Show, Kevin Bronson brings new music from the New Division, the Pretty Flowers, Doe Paoro, Jordi, the Black Watch, Deb Never, Jagged Baptist Club, Kid Bloom, Mediocre, Kid Moxie & NINA, Jesika Von Rabbit, Sam Blasucci, Annabel Lee, Valley Queen and Joey Dosik.
If you’re out of FM range, click here to stream the show at 10 p.m. Find recent shows in the archives. And please consider subscribing to support public radio.
Kid Bloom, “Walk With Me”
Doe Paoro, “Another World”
Jordi, “Clear”
The Black Watch, “The Neverland of Spoken Things”
Valley Queen, “Pavement”
Mediocre, “Pop Song Baby”
The Pretty Flowers, “Baby Food”
Annabel Lee, “Los Angeles”
Kid Moxie & NINA, “Electric Kiss”
Jagged Baptist Club, “Temptation Death House (Jeff Schroeder remix)”
The New Division, “Modern Life”
Sam Blasucci, “Turn Yourself Around”
Jesika Von Rabbit, “Desert Rain”
Joey Dosik, “Beat the Same”
Deb Never, “Momentary Sweetheart”
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