Download: Twin Tigers, ‘Passive Idol’



It was only a matter of time, I suppose, before I started running across bands who are getting compared to Silversun Pickups. Twin Tigers are one of those – not that anything the Athens, Ga., quartet does constitutes Xeroxing. But like SSPU – and Sonic Youth, Primal Scream and assorted popgazers before them – Twin Tigers play the loud/soft dynamic to the hilt, frame their dramatic moments in tempo shifts and know exactly when to lob a fuzz-bomb into the mix. Their debut, “Gray Waves” (out March 9), is peppered with prickly guitars and and pleas for love, explosive in a way that is all the Twin Tigers’ own.

||| Download: “Passive Idol” and the free “Automatic” EP.

||| Watch: the video for “Red Fox Run”

||| Live: Twin Tigers perform Thursday at 3 Clubs.