Video: The Internet, ‘Get Away’
Daiana Feuer on
“Somewhere in the hills…” Syd the Kyd is getting hit on at a party, making her girlfriend jealous, while friends drink beer out of wine glasses. So goes the story in the video for “Get Away,” the new single from The Internet‘s latest album, “Ego Death,” released this past June. The song begins and ends abruptly, but it only takes a second to get hooked by this neo-soul for the hip-hop stoner tune’s rhythmic propulsion. Syd The Kyd’s voice hypnotizes and the songwriting swims with the tripped-out fishies in the low end of the pool. Consisting of Odd Future members Syd the Kyd and Matt Martians, along with Patrick Paige II, Christopher Allan Smith, Jameel Bruner, and Steve Lacy, The Internet makes music as compelling, addictive, and surreal as the cyber-brain-suck that the group’s named after. Recorded in her basement over a three-week period — or is it her parents’ basement? — “Ego Death” is all about love’s highs and lows, emphasis on the getting highs.
||| Watch: “Get Away”
||| Live: The Internet perform on Nov. 14 at Camp Flog Gnaw Carnival.
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