Stream: Greatest Hits … This Week (Vol. 32)

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Photo by NASA via

Welcome to Buzz Bands LA’s Greatest Hits … This Week, Vol. 32, our mix of artists we’ve covered in th past week in these pages. Check out new songs from Trapdoor Social, Brett, Ablebody, Beginners, Wages, Dent May, Fenway and more. Below you find the full playlist and links to what we published. Enjoy.

||| Stream: “Greatest Hits … This Week,” Vol. 32

Trapdoor Social, “Sunshine”
Fenway, “New Status Quo”
Brett, “California Nights”
Ablebody, “Backseat Heart”
Beginners, “Gangsters or Lovers”
Seth Bogart, “Lubed”
Send Medicine, “Baby’s Coast”
Wages, “Gotta”
Dent May, “Face Down in the Gutter of Your Love”
Captions, “Bearfights”
Old Man Saxon, “The Perils”
Night Talks, “Green”

We also covered (but not available on Soundcloud, darn it):

Zipper Club, “Going the Distance”
Springtime Carnivore, “Face in the Moon”
Rachel Fannan, “Just Say Goodbye”