Stream: DAVIS, ‘Crooked Finger’


As noted back in January, singer-songwriter Davis Fetter has undergone a personality transplant, adopting the persona DAVIS and ratcheting up the … how to put this? … in-your-faceness. If the thought of a guy who once sweetly crooned “I Won’t the Let World Break My Heart” isn’t jarring enough, there are the string of new photos in which DAVIS is flipping everybody off. Like that first single, the rap-rock romp “Two Cents,” weren’t enough. Anyway, DAVIS’s first EP “Crooked Finger” comes out Friday, and in a lesser songwriter’s hands, these five songs (and their, uh, attitude) might come off as parody. DAVIS has chops, though. The title track is a riffy, old-school playground taunt; “Touch the Sky,” shows he can do blues-metal too. But the outlier is the third track, a sweet, falsetto- and string-drenched paean right out of the ’60s Teen Idols era. Except its title is “F*ck You.” The bottom line, we suppose, is that we’ve been flipped off before, and probably will be flipped off again, but seldom has it been this much fun.

||| Stream: “Crooked Finger”

||| Live: DAVIS does a residency at the Satellite on Aug. 10, 17 and 31.

||| Previously: “Two Cents”