Ears Wide Open: Amanda Jo Williams


The fractured folk music on Amanda Jo Williams’ forthcoming album “Mary’s Big Feet” is much like L.A. audiences has seen her live – unpredictable and unvarnished, with scratchy guitar supporting her girlish voice, vocal acrobatics and from-the-mouths-of-babes moments. She recorded the album (due April 26 on the NocturnalSol label) herself in GarageBand, so it represents but a step in her growth as a singer-songwriter. She has a full-band album in the works as well. It’s titled “Bear Eats Me,” featuring contributions from her live band, including guitarist 5-Track, bassist Jef Hogan Buffa and percussionists Feather & Abilene, as well as L.A. folkie Olentangy John and New Zealand singer Volita Bioletti. The Georgia-bred songwriter’s growing legend is built as much on her prowess as a changeling as provocateur; in all its stripped-down explorations, “Mary’s Big Feet” has moments both magical and mystical.

||| Download: “Homeheart”


||| Live: Amanda Jo Williams’ residency at the Echo continues tonight with support from, among others, the teenaged Wimberley Bluegrass Band. Her album release party is April 25, with the Overstreets (a stripped-down version of Vaud & the Villains), the Dick and Jane Family Orchestra and Matthew O’Neill.