Ears Wide Open: Love Grenades


It’s been a while since we’ve heard from Love Grenades‘ sizzling Elizabeth Wight. It was almost two years ago that Wight had become Sam Sparro’s sassy and promising protegĂ© with New Wave-influenced singles, “Young Lovers” and “Tigers in the Fire,” putting her on the L.A. dance-club map. With her witty and fast-paced lyrics paying homage to her native city, electronic beats sprinkled around her sultry vocals and looks of a vintage pin-up beauty, it suggested Love Grenades would become our very own Glass Candy. However, Wight has kept it pretty-low key since then by spending time on her upcoming full-length which will be released through her label, Hiss and Shake. New tracks such as her lead single “My Winning Smile” still showcase ’60s girl-pop melodies, but her dance and punk roots are channeled through the fresh lyrics. Other songs such as “Pressure” continue to drop the beat but also slow it down with seductive Blondie-like rhythms.

||| Download: “Pressure”

||| Live: Love Grenades plays Sunday as part of Silver Lake Jubilee.