Stream: The Singles, ‘Incantations’ and ‘Same Old Thing’
Kevin Bronson on
The Singles, reliable purveyors of skinny-tie power-pop, are now down to a single member — Vincent Frederick, who started the whole shebang 20 years ago in Detroit.
And he will be bidding the project adieu with the Dec. 2 release of the Singles’ fifth and final album, “Incantations.”
Frederick found a kindred spirit in producer Taylor Locke, with whom he made “Incantations” in three five-hour sessions at Locke’s Velveteen Laboratory studio in L.A. As a trio, the Singles hit their crash-bang zenith on the hooky, harmony-rich 2017 album “Sweet Tooth.” The first two singles on the new album have a different feel; for one thing, “Incantations” is absent live drums. Frederick played almost everything, with musical support and backing vocals from Locke.
Fans of British Invasion pop will find a lot to like in the title track, and if Frederick sounds a little wistful on “Same Old Thing,” who can blame him? He spent two decades as a Single, and now, happily married (as he points out), he’s ready to move on.
||| Stream: “Incantations” and “Same Old Thing”
||| Previously: “Sweet Tooth”
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