Mr. Shovel to serve as guest host for tonight’s edition of the L.A. Buzz Bands show on KCSN (88.5 FM)


[One more day of vacation, and then I am back at the helm on Monday. Meanwhile:]

Mark Sovel (aka Mr. Shovel) – who during his tenure at the late, lamented FM outlet Indie 103.1 was one of the most fervent champions of the local music scene – will serve as guest host of the L.A. Buzz Bands Show tonight on KCSN (88.5 FM). Mr. Shovel’s “Check One Two” local music program ran weekly on Indie 103 (KDLD-FM) until the station switched formats in January 2009. Sovel, who was the station’s music director and producer of Steve Jones’ “Jonesy’s Jukebox” show, has kept his ear to the ground in the time since, working on radio and Web projects as well as curating the lineup for local events such as Tarfest and Lobsterfest. Join him at midnight tonight for an hour’s worth of tunes, or stream the show at