Coachella 2012: The Dear Hunter, howling at the rain


Who: The Dear Hunter at the Outdoor Theatre
In 3 or Fewer Words: Proggy tender emo.
Memorable Because: The first few drops of rain came down when Casey Crescenzo and the rest of the Dear Hunter were in the middle of playing their experimental rock, which seemed to have a bipolar attitude when it came to their use of crescendos and diminuendos. Although the band sways toward the gently melodic side of noise when compared to Crescenzo’s former post-hardcore band the Receiving End of Sirens, there was an undeniable intensity that traveled from the stage into the breezy overcast atmosphere. It’s as if Crescenzo’s howls transcended the ominous clouds above, and the weather Gods dramatically responded with light waterworks of their own to show appreciation. Passers-by may have had some trouble initially penetrating the wall of conceptually heavy songs, but this was as openly intimate as it could get for true fans of the Dear Hunter.
What I’d Tell My Friends Who Were at Other Lives: I’m sure they were just as dramatic, only you were probably much drier under a tent.
– Seraphina Lotkhamnga (Photo by S.L.)