Video: Run Things, ‘Dumb in the Sun’
Seraphina Lotkhamnga on
For such a sunny guitar riff in Run Things‘ debut single “Dumb in the Sun,” you’d think the Anthony Gaddis-directed video would actually have some natural Vitamin D filtered through the camera lens. Instead, we follow actress Caroline Roseberry on a drive during which flowing hair and palm trees are sexy in a black-and-white, “Twilight Zone” kind of way. She does drive into space, after all. The clip, however, is also a nice representation of the limbo you can experience in between L.A.’s metropolis quality and its vast nature. If you’ve ever been out of it while driving back from Palm Springs at night, then this clip may speak to you. Run Things’ “Dumb in the Sun” 7-inch is out now via White Iris.
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