Stream: TÜLIPS, ‘Maybe Baby’
Kevin Bronson on
TÜLIPS call their bristling, in-your-face music “riotgaze,” an apt term for their marriage of punk-rock and shoegazing. It’s funny, though, how such genre-mashing often nudges artists toward the past and not the future (Editor’s Note: Whatever that is). TÜLIPS – singer-guitarist Angie Bloom and Taleen Kali, along with bassist Miles Marsico and drummer Travis Barnes – rewind 57 years for the song they released today, a cover of the Crickets’ “Maybe Baby.” They’ve added substantial bite to the Buddy Holly-Norman Petty composition, with semi-sweet vocals over a nail-bed of guitars, because, we suppose, if you’re going to dive into the past, you might as well go all out.
||| Stream: “Maybe Baby”
||| Live: TÜLIPS play La Cita tonight.
||| Previously: “Hotspur”
Photo by Kalin December
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