Best Coast Archives – Page 9 of 10 –

Coachella: Best Coast, rhymes with ‘ooh’


Who: Best Coast at the Outdoor Theatre In 3 or Fewer Words: “You.” “Oooo.” Repeat. I’ll Remember This Forever Because: I never quite understood the heavy backlash against Best Coast/Bethany Cosentino and the simplicity of her lyrics – until now. After all, her band’s cute crisscrossing of ’60s girl-group pop with ’90s lo-fi, ’00s indie, […]


Tonight in L.A.: Sebadoh, Shadow Shadow Shade, Telekinesis, Best Coast, the Lonely Wild, Night Horse


It’s an embarrassment of riches on the show scene tonight: ‣ Oh, the memories: Lou Barlow has assembled a version of Sebadoh (with Jason Lowenstein and Fiery Furnances Bob D’Amico) for the “Bakesale/Harmacy Remembering Time Tour,” marking the re-releases of the 1994 and 1996 albums, respectively. They hit the Troubadour tonight, with Quasi opening. ‣ […]

Tonight in L.A.: Yo La Tengo, BRMC, Freddie Gibbs


Midweek meanderings: ‣ Long-running art-rock trio Yo La Tengo hits the El Rey Theatre with a plan to play two 45-minute sets; the songs in the first will be determined by the spin of a giant wheel (categories include “Songs Starting With S,” “Name Game” and “Dump,” the James McNew side project). ‣ The Global […]

Video: ‘When Will I Feel Love,’ by Black Iris, featuring Bethany Cosentino of Best Coast


The MTV EXIT campaign continues its innovative music collaborations to raise awareness about social issues affecting young people’s lives. Following the footsteps of acts such as Radiohead, the Killers and Muse, Black Iris – the commercial music collective and counterpart to the label White Iris (home to Best Coast, Fool’s Gold, Sweaters and more) – […]

Levitt 2024

Tonight in L.A.: Grouplove, the Belle Brigade, Kinch


[Why, hello, 2011. Nice to make your acquaintance. Birthday greetings go out today to the incomparable Van Dyke Parks …] Top shows tonight while waiting breathlessly for Best Coast’s late-night television debut (“Jimmy Fallon,” NBC): ‣ Buzzing indie-pop quintet Grouplove [pictured] kicks off a residency at the Bootleg Theater, supported by Guards, the latest project […]

Download: ‘The Christmas Gig’ compilation album


Attention holiday shoppers: We know that your favorite price tag reads “free,” so at the risk of whoring ourselves out to a major retailer, we’re going to tell you about “The Christmas Gig,” a digital compilation of holiday tunes. It’s free. It’s original music. It’s good, in places really good. And it includes a lot […]

Levitt 2024

Permanent Records

Best of 2022
